Reading Keeps Me Sane

Reading Keeps Me Sane

Finding a nook to share good reads.

5 Stars
Three Simple Rules (The Blindfolded Club #1) by Nikki Sloane
Three Simple Rules - Nikki Sloane

I would do anything for my dream job. Now I have to.

In order to save my skin at the office, I'm forced to sell it at an exclusive and illegal blindfold club. He paid thousands of dollars for one night to own me, but when my blindfold comes off, I want more. More nights, more rules, and more from this unavailable and uncompromising man.

Rule number one, no questions. Rule number two, no lies. But, rule number three? That's the hardest one to obey.




Evelyn is a graphic designer who made a very big, sloppy mistake. In order to correct the mistake, she will need her boss to agree to let her pay for the replacements that cost ninety-six hundred dollars. Evelyn decides to ask her friend Payton for help. Previously, Payton had suggested several times to Evelyn that she try working at an exclusive blindfold club, however she turned her down until now. Evelyn has no choice but to sell herself for one night or lose her dream job. Unbeknownst to Evelyn, she sells herself to her boss, Logan. Evelyn finds herself completely smitten with Logan. He’s very dominate, “This feral, alpha-male version of Logan was scary and thrilling and I was drawn to it. Eager to submit.”

However she has a few obstacles to overcome.
What to do about her close friend Blake? He confessed that he loves her.
Logan didn’t want to define his relationship with Evelyn. Evelyn didn’t just have sex without a relationship.
What to do about work? Logan is her boss, she wants to promote but doesn’t want it to appear to be favoritism.

Logan also had several obstacles in his way.
His ex-girlfriend left him with baggage. He had a difficult time compromising. He didn’t want a relationship.
After splitting up with his girlfriend of twelve years, he had cut her out completely. He still needed closure.
He had hidden a few lies that needed to be revealed in order to move on.
He also needed to deal with not losing his job or credibility.
There is a lot of substance in this story. It’s not just all about the HOT, SO HOT, steamy scenes. Evelyn has to deal with several issues, at the same time that she’s developing a relationship with Logan. They had to learn how to compromise, develop trust and be able to forgive, while hiding their relationship from coworkers. The defining point in their relationship takes place when it begins to unravel. That’s when Evelyn discovers that “He was willing to give everything up for me, and I know I’d give everything up for him, if I had to.” This story is STEAMY! I loved every page. At the end there’s a cliff hanger that segues into Payton’s story. I can’t WAIT!!!



5 Stars
The Consequences of Sin by K.A. Robinson
The Consequences of Sin - K.A. Robinson

 When the sun disappeared, the world was cast in shadows, hiding the evil that lay in wait. When it was dark, I hunted. The shadows caressed my body as I did things I could never do in the light of day.

Eighteen-year-old Bree Bowen has spent her entire life training and working as one of her father’s assassins. Fear has kept her and her best friend, Wes, under her father’s thumb—until now.

When Wes takes matters into his own hands, securing Bree a new identity and a plane ticket to America, he gives her the one chance she’s been desperately seeking.

Learning to live a new life isn’t easy. Add in her new roommate, Reid, who just happens to be a stripper, and things start to get a little crazy. Falling for a man has never been part of her plan, but she can’t seem to stay away from Reid.
When Bree’s past comes crashing back into her life, secrets that she’s fought to keep hidden are revealed, and she’s forced to choose between Reid and the life she could have with him, or Wes, the one man who has always loved her unconditionally.

Regardless of her choice, she must learn the consequences of sin.

This book will be a standalone.




Bree Bowen, born and raised in England as a Mafia assassin. Her father, Oliver, is the second command of one of England's largest Mafia families. Bree never left the mansion where she lived, unless she was going on an assignment. She was raised along side with her best friend, protector and trained assassin, Wesley. Bree wants out of the life, she want to live a normal life, however her father has other plans. Oliver will be giving Bree to the Irish Mafia to create an alliance.

"I hated myself for a lot of things. Maybe I deserved the life I was going to receive. It would be retribution for my sins."

Wesley, who sworn to take care of Bree, plans her escape. He sends her to NYC with a new identity as Bree Reynolds. From NYC, Bree randomly chooses to go to Dallas, Texas to begin her new life.

"Then, go now. Run while you can. I can still save you, but if he takes you, there's nothing I can do. This is your one chance at freedom. You can forget everything and start fresh. You can let your past go and have an actual life."

Before Bree leaves Oliver confesses his true feelings. He's love Bree and will always protect her.

When Bree arrives in Dallas she finds an advertisement for a roommate. She goes to checkout the apartment and meets Reid. He agrees to have her as his roommate with conditions. Reid and Bree are both attracted to each other and soon sparks fly.


Bree begins to feel free. It doesn't last for long before her father, Bradley and Wesley find her and attempt to take her back to England. Unfortunately, Reid walks into Bree's room at the wrong time and discovers Bree's true identity.

Bree, with Wesley's assistance is able to escape from her father. She returns to Reid because he's now in danger. Bree tells Reid the truth about her life in England, what she and Wesley did to survive and her regrets.

"There's always consequences of sin, Bree-always. You're dealing with yours now, and Wes will eventually have to deal wit his."

Oliver finds Bree and Wesley once again. This time he makes a grave mistake and get what he deserves.
In the end it's Bree doesn't have to choose between Wesley and Reid. The decision is made for her.

This story isn't dark, it's a story about being freed from the dark. Bree is only eighteen years old and had lived a long life. She has a chance at freedom and takes it. She begins to discover herself along the way, while learning to cope with her past. Unlike the other assassins she left behind, Bree was not a cold-hearted killer. Reid is a great character. Although he's a stripper, he has real ambitions. He also learn from his experience and will no longer take the small things for granted. I enjoyed this story! I hope Wesley gets his own story. He's was surprisingly the dark anti-hero in the end. I almost expected a menage with the three of them. (Yes, I need to get my mind out of the gutter.) K.A. Robinson does not disappoint.


5 Stars
Consume Me (Ravage MC #3) by Ryan Michele
Consume Me (Ravage MC#3) (Volume 3) - Ryan Michele

 Prospect Andrew “Tug” Tugger wants two things.

One, to become a member of the Ravage Motorcycle Club, and two, Blaze, the sexy brunette whose eyes set him on fire.

Only one of those things is under his control, and he is done waiting.

It’s time to take what he wants.

Blaze has been running from her tragic past for over four years. She is finally feeling settled, after stripping her way through school and building a life in Sumner, her first safe haven. She keeps everyone at arm’s length, afraid to let anyone discover the secrets she holds within.

Tug sets out to make Blaze his, but will someone get burned in the process?

Will Blaze run again when her new world is threatened?

Or will she allow Tug to consume her?

1-Click on Amazon Consume Me (Ravage MC#3)


This is Tug and Blaze's story.

Tug is prospecting for the Ravage MC. He was previously in the military. When he completed his service he couldn't go back to the family that rejected him, even after he had saved them. So he found a new one, his future brothers of the Ravage MC.

Paige McMillion, aka Taryn 'Blaze' McKnight, is running from her past. Her Aunt directed her to Club 'X'. Princess immediately took her in, helped her with a new identity and a job as a stripper. Blaze was always on high alert that her past could catch up with her. She played it safe and did not get involved in a relationship, just in case she had to leave her current life behind. Blaze vowed to especially stay away from the men of the Ravage MC.

"That kind of man reminded me of my old life and I had just left one bad situation. I sure as hell didn't need another. I made a vow then to keep to myself and stay away from them."

Tug finds himself drawn to Blaze. He spends months watching her and flirting. He finally decides to go after what he wants. Blaze has other ideas.

"Having anyone slash through my layers is a bad thing. They don't know what the hell they'll get themselves into inside there. Sure I've managed over the years, but even I know there is some deep sh*t that can't be fixed no matter what I do."

Blaze continues to fight her feeling for Tug, until one night when Blaze was stripping and a customer rushed the stage. Blaze was able to defend herself but later she fell apart in Tugs arms. Blaze let her walls down and let Tug in. Tug claims her if she likes it or not.

Tug receives a phone call from his mother that his sister had a car accident. Tug rushes to the hospital and stays with his mom until he find out his sister is going to be okay. His mom extends an olive branch by inviting him to dinner. Tug accepts and is hopeful.

Blaze's past finally catches up with her after years in hiding. Blaze finds a note on her car. "We've missed you Paige. - S&F". Her step father and step brother have found her. In order to get her help Tug reveals her past to their President, Pops. Blaze is embarrassed and is not comfortable revealing or reliving her past. She blames herself for not attending her mother's funeral.

Tug is finally made a full member and welcomed to the club. He turns in his Prospect rag and is given his Ravage one. That evening he celebrates with Blaze up against the door, on the bed, you get the idea.

Things don't stay quiet long. Blazes past once again rears it's ugly head and not only is Blaze in danger but so is the club. Tug continues to promise to protect her along with the club. She's family and that's what they do.

Tug past haunts him but never consumes him, it's his feelings for Blaze that eventually consume him. Blaze, on the other hand, is running from her past. She had been raped and physically hurt by Santos and his son Frank. They were suppose to be her family. Blaze is a very strong character, she doesn't wallow in self-pity. She picked herself up and escaped. She worked hard, got her education, and saved for a rainy day. It took a lot of courage for her to open up and trust Tug. There is a lot internal turmoil that is resolved for both Tug and Blaze allowing them to happily come together. I love the Ravage MC series. I cannot wait for the next book!





4 Stars
The Billionaire Bargain (#1) by Lila Monroe

Sexy Australian billionaire Grant Devlin is ruining my life. He exercises shirtless in his office, is notorious for his lunchtime nooners, he even yawns sexily. If I didn't need this job so bad, I'd take his black Amex and tell him where to swipe it.

He doesn't even know I exist, but why would he? He jets off to Paris with supermodels, I spend Friday nights with Netflix and a chunk of Pepperidge Farm frozen cake—waiting for his call. Because every time he crashes his yacht, or blows $500k on a single roulette spin in Monte Carlo, I’m the PR girl who has to clean up his mess.

But this time, it’s going to take more than just a fat charity donation. This time, the whole company is on the line. He needs to show investors that he’s settling down, and Step #1 is pretending to date a nice, stable girl until people forget about what happened with the Playboy Bunnies backstage at the Oscars.

My plan is perfect, except for one thing:

He picks me.


Lacey Newman is a witty, intelligent, college educated administrative assistant for a PR firm. She assists with the media damage control of the sole heir of Devlin Media Corp, Grant Devlin, who's escapades seem to always make the news. She's also an average woman and my new favorite heroine.

"Lacy Newman. Always-tangled brown hair harboring enough static electricity for a storm cloud, skin that went scarlet as a lobster instead of tanning bronze, and curves that, while technically all in the right places, also proved that you could have too much of a good thing."

Grant Devlin is a "ostentatious, arrogant, overly-attractive-just-to-be-cruel a-hole". He doesn't seem concerned that his company is barely staying above water.

Lacey catches Grant's eye and he begins to pursue her. She is not afraid to speak her mind when coxed and has a strong work ethic.

"I care about doing a good job. I care about following through on my promises, and the promises of the place I work for. I care about doing whatever little tiny things I an to make this world a better place, and even if they're super tiny, they're something and I can feel good about that."

After a lunch date they return to work and Lacey's boss, Jacinda, is furious. After insulting Lacey and creating a hostile workplace, Grant fires Jacinda. Lacey is immediately promoted to her position. Lacey is now determined to save the company, however her idea of saving the company is much different from Grant's ideas. Cliffhanger Alert!

Lacey is an awesome character. She's witty, intelligent, determined and has a average figure. She has an awesome best friend who reminds her how great she is all the time. Grant first appears to be a playboy billionaire with no work ethic. We do discover there is more to him. Lacy stands up to Grant. Grant likes that she has 'balls' and starts pursing her. Lacey needs to keep her distance in order not to get hurt. Grant finds ways to sneak into Lacey's life. I love it! But not the cliffhanger! I can't wait to see what happens next!






5 Stars
The Best Man by L.A.Witt
The Best Man - L.A. Witt

Jon Beatty thought he’d found the best man for him until Craig walked out. To add insult to injury, Craig's got a new lover—a woman—and wants Jon to be a different kind of best man…at his wedding.

Reasoning that the only way to get over one man is to get under another, Jon heads out to Wilde’s, the night club on Capitol Hill famous for its hot clientele and hotter bartenders. Jon just wants to get drunk and get laid, and bartender Liam Sable is more than willing to help with both.

Their one night stand turns into a rebound fling, but as Jon moves on with Liam, Craig starts having second thoughts about the break-up. His tiresome antics are the least of Jon and Liam’s worries, though. The least annoying, and the least dangerous…

1-Click on Amazon The Best Man



Jon Beatty had broken up with Craig six months ago and still continues to pine over him. Craig quickly found a girlfriend, proposed, and ask Jon to be his best man.  Seriously, Craig has some big nuts!

Craig pushes Jon to get on with his life, to meet other men. Jon takes Craig's advice and goes to a club, Wilde, and hooks up with the hot bartender Liam. They are both not looking for a serious relationship.

"I'll be totally honest, though. I'm just coming off this split with my ex, and -" "Don't want any thing serious?" "Exactly." "Then we're a match made in heaven, because that last thing I want right now is anything serious"

Jon and Liam non-relationship begins to develop to something more.When Craig finds out that Jon has met someone he reacts like a jealous lover. Jon soon realized that his relationship with Craig was flawed. He starts to see beyond his rose colored glasses and sees Craig for who he really is, self-centered, self-righteous bastard. 

As Jon and Liam become a couple, Liam's past rears it's ugly head. Liam needs to let Jon go so he's not hurt by his past. 

"I couldn't sit back and let you get hurt because of someone I dragged into your life." His voice dropped, as did his gaze. "Even if it meant I had to hurt your myself."

Can they over come Liam's past? I will tell you there is a happy ending.

I LOVED this story. Both Jon and Liam struggled moving on from their ex's. They struggled with co-dependency and violence issues that made it difficult to move on. That's life, it happens and there is no hiding it. I held back the tears when Liam professed his love, "Why, Liam? He's going to f**king- " " I don't have a choice." He turned around, his eyes wet with tears. "Because I love you too much to let him hurt you." It's that love that gave him strength to be with Jon. Isn't that what love is, to protect and cherish.  5 Beautiful Stars! Thank you L.A.Witt for bringing us Jon and Liam.  

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4 Stars
'Till Death Volume two by Bella Jewel

'Til Death, Volume Two ('Til Death, #2)

  You know how it went for me.
You know what he did.
You know the fire he left inside my soul when he crushed me into a thousand tiny pieces.
Since Marcus, my life has been a blur of emptiness.
Since Marcus there has been nothing.
I’m alone, my Mom is dwindling and I feel nothing but emptiness. I work long, I work hard, but why? There’s no longer anything to fight for.
I know I have to face him. I know I have to go back. To fix my life, I have to break my ties to him.
Seeing Marcus again will destroy me, but it’s time to finish this.
I don’t expect the bitter, twisted emotions I’ll feel when I see him again, and when I lose everything once more, because of him, the only thing on my mind is revenge.
But how do you hurt someone you still love so deeply?
How can I still care for a monster? How can he still make me feel?
Our story is the most complicated of them all, it’s far from beautiful, it’s far from perfect, it’s just a twisted mess of emotion that neither of us knows how to fix.
But we will fix it. You’ll see.



Marcus is falling apart without his wife, Katia.  She left him after she discovered the truth and he pushed her away.   "How am I supposed to pull myself together when my glue is f**king gone?"

Katia has moved away with her mother and her daughter that she is hiding from Marcus. She closed all accounts and left no traces to be found. Katia is working long hours, making minimum wage, barely scraping by. Her mom fails ill and Katia has no choice but to call her father for help. Her father jumps right on a plane to come an help. 

Katia agrees to go back and divorce Marcus, while her father stays behind and helps her mother. When she does meet with Marcus, he will not agree to a divorce. He wants to talk and discuss how he feels. Katia continues to deny him the opportunity to talk to him. Katia receives a call from her father that her mother is not going to make it. She rushes to the airport but Marcus stops her. He was his chance to talk. The delay cost Katia time and she misses her flight. She takes the next flight out but it's too late when she arrives, her mother had passed. 

"My mother was my everything. She fought for my every breath, and I left her. I left her to fix something with someone who couldn't care less about me. He stopped me from going to her. He stopped me from getting to tell her one last time just how much she meant. The last piece of Katia I was holding onto snaps, and I drown in a pit of my own darkness."

Katia discover a policy which pays out five million dollars if Marcus passed.  Katia is completely void of emotion and make the decision to hire a hitman to take out her husband.

Marcus finds out and promises her a divorce. Her family finds out and helps to come back to them. 
She cancels the hit. Katia's reveals to Marcus he has a daughter. They start to become close again however Marcus continues with the divorce. Katia finds out that Marcus has sold his house and business. She hasn't heard from him and finally realizes that it's over. Is it really over? Not a chance. No cliffhanger here.

After Katia is gone, Marcus realizes what he's lost. Marcus develops feels, maybe for the first time. On the other hand due to unfortunate events Katia becomes a monster. I couldn't put the story down. I read it straight through because of all the twists. I was shocked when Katia ordered a hit, she was lost and hollow inside. Lesson learned I'm canceling our life insurance policy, just in case (lol).  I was happy with the ending or I should say the new beginning

4 Stars
Saved (Lucifer's Legion Motorcycle Club #4) by Kelli Maine
Saved (Lucifer's Legion Motorcycle Club Book 4) - Kelli Maine

Soul of my soul.

Left with Lilith's haunting words, Luc sees himself for the irredeemable man he truly is.

Lucifer's Legion Motorcycle Club's reputation is ruined, the clubhouse is burned to the ground, and Angel is the only remaining loose end for the club to tie up.

With nothing left to lose, Luc makes the only move he has left and sacrifices everything for the only woman who ever made him want to be a better man.

SAVED is the fourth and final part of the Lucifer's Legion Motorcycle Club serial.

Reading Order:

1-Click on Amazon Saved (Lucifer's Legion Motorcycle Club Book 4)


Saved begins with the shocking conclusion of Angel. Lilith takes her own life, leaving the MC without a slave to provide to the Cartel.  Luc deeply feels the lose.

"That had a story so f...kin similiar to mine it almost felt like there was a thread connecting us. The soul of my soul. Now she's gone, and I can feel the thread pullin' at me..."

Luc makes a quick decision and takes back his Angel. While on the run from the MC, Luc continually re-evaluates his decision. 

"Just like Lilith in the desert. I should have killed her then, but I couldn't. It was the start of the whole thing. The start of my f..kin, ruin. How many times sine then have I wished to turn the clock back so I could do it? So I that I could pull the trigger and fix everything?"
He's not able to end Angel's life, so he has someone else make the decision for him.  

This series is VERY, VERY DARK! There is no happy fairy tale ending. Lilith and Angel have ruined Luc or saved him retrospectively.  Luc struggles with conscience and unexpectedly becomes the anti-hero. At first, I admit, I was not happy with the ending. However as I thought about it, there was no other ending for this story.  Bravo Kelli Maine for finding a beacon of light in the darkness.
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4 Stars
His Witness by Vanessa Waltz
His Witness (A Dark Romance) - Vanessa Waltz

He kidnapped me.

He was charming, powerful, intoxicating. Accepting his advances might be the last mistake I'd ever make. He was a dangerous man, and the fact that he made me feel alive couldn't hide that I danced with death.

I made my choice, and he made his.

Now I'm trapped in his basement, completely at his mercy. Day after day, he toys with me for his own amusement. Pleasure and pain, pain and pleasure. The two have are so linked now that I can barely tell them apart and I'm beginning to crave both.

Worse, I'm beginning to crave him


His Witness is a dark, dangerous and violent. This story is not for everyone. We are introduced to Tommy as he's doing his job, torturing snitch. Tommy is part the "Vittorio Crime Family" however he's not a 'Made' man. Tommy job is to torture and kill for the family. It has made him a monster.

"It's the violence that gives me relief from the anger poisoning my blood. It's as if there's a monster banging on my ribs, clawing to get out."

Melanie is a young woman who has been given the raw end of the stick. Melanie had big dreams to go to college but her father's choice's destroyed her future.

"For a moment I mourn the loss of the carefree, innocent girl I was only a year ago, before this mess. Now I'm a foul-mouthed borderline alcoholic."

Melanie's father restaurant business was in trouble and he partners with the mafia. The restaurant changes into a night club leaving Melanie in charge. The mob uses the club for free drinks and sell drugs. At the club Tommy often flirts with Melanie. She's not interested because he's part of the mafia and has heard rumor. One early morning Melanie discovers that the rumors are true. After the club closed, Melanie headed home with the money from the day. She was attacked and the money was taken. Tommy jumped into action caught and killed the attacker.

Melanie finds herself is precarious position. The FBI has threatened her to snitch or she would be going to jail for a host of crimes. She chooses to snitch and enters witness protection. Tommy is given the orders to abduct her, have her change her statement and after get rid of her. He doesn't want to until he's offered to be 'Made' once it's done.

After Melanie is abducted Tommy breaks her down without hurting her. They both begin developing feelings for each other. They also discover each others kinks.

In the end, get ready for a twist when the biggest snitch is discovered.

The very first chapter is DARK! It's almost uncomfortable to read, that's how good it is. The story is twisted in so many ways. Tommy is a monster. He was created to be a monster by the man who had taken him in as his son. The same man who wouldn't make Tommy a full member of the family because of his heritage. Melanie's father's decision destroys her future. It's not until they break away from their families do they find themselves and each other. Although at times the story felt a little long, it's well written. It draws you in chapter, after chapter. The final snitch was a shocker!
Check out my blog for more Dark reviews, Reading Keeps Me Sane.
Follow me on Twitter for more reviews: ReadKeepMeSane

mafia snitch photo: Mafia Family Tree mafia-family-tree.jpg
4 Stars
Irrevocable (Irrevocable #1) by Skye Callahan
Irrevocable - Skye Callahan

Sometimes when you can't go back, the only way out is to descend into the darkness.  
My Captor
When I woke in that place, I just wanted to survive. But survival came at a cost, for which they demanded my will and body.  

My Master
With pain came acceptance. Fully-dependent on the man who claimed me, I learned to appreciate what I had-life and relative safety.  

My Protector
I watched him spill blood and tend my injuries. With betrayal came a revelation. The only way out was to bring them all down or die trying. 

IRREVOCABLE is a dark romance intended for adult readers 18+ only. Not intended for those easily offended by dark subject matter


Rose is abducted and wakes up in a nightmare. Kirk comes to the rescue and stops Gabe and his crew from raping Rose. Kirk takes Grace as his slave and she becomes Silver.

"Her chest is a little small, but she's not bad to look at. If you want to keep her, she's yours to train. But, she better be worth it. And I'm not giving you forever to accomplish that."

Kirk, discreetly, begins to probe Silver for answers about how she was abducted. Silver begins to understand that her world has changed.

"Deep inside my gut, I knew it didn't bode well, and I still had no idea how to escape the dark fate that threatened to suffocate me within these walls."

Silver struggles accepting her new life and Kirk fears that Silver will break.

"Or maybe you'll find a part of you that you didn't know existed.."
"The part that enjoys this?" I asked dryly.
"The part that proves you're stronger and more flexible than you think you are."

Although, at one point Kirk had to punish Silver for her disobedience, he continues to protect her. It's a difficult job when there is a mole among the ranks. In the end we discover that there several moles and one is unexpected, if you hadn't pick up on the clues. I don't want to give anymore away.

"Irrevocable" is a dark, violent, twisted novel. Silver is placed in a hopeless situation. She's a fighter who has to learn to bend in order to survive. I struggled at times trying to understand why she fought so much and in-turn caused her own pain. Kirk appears is the anti-hero who takes Silver as his own to help her survive. Silver, in her own way, finally learns how to bend. Soon they both take the responsibility for their survival and I started to really enjoy the story. In the end we understand why Kirk did what he did and why he's remorseful for what had occurred. They are both broken and need to find what will help them get pull through the darkness. Although Silver frustrated and angered me at the beginning, I'm giving this story 4 stars It's a good sign when a story evokes emotion. "Bend Don't Break" is Kirk's (aka James) story after the raid. I'm excited to read his point of view and fill in the gaps.
For more Dark reads check out my blog, Reading Keeps Me Sane.
Follow me on Twitter: ReadKeepMeSane

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5 Stars
Czar (Impossible #8) by Julia Sykes
Czar (An Impossible Novella) (Impossible #8) - Julia Sykes

The Eighth book in the USA Today Bestselling Impossible Series- Can be read as a standalone.

After a lifetime of being sheltered, I decided to study abroad in St. Petersburg to push myself out of my comfort zone. Dimitri definitely fits the bill. He’s gorgeous, mysterious, and everything I never knew I wanted.

I’m willing to give him my innocence, but he wants more. He wants all of me, even if that means pushing me to my breaking point. And he won’t stop until he owns my body and soul.



Czar begins as a romance with a strong alpha male and a college student who is studying abroad.  In June 2009, Christine, Alicia's friend finds a study abroad program online. They decide to study St. Petersburg, Russia. While in Russia, one evening they decided to go to a a club, and Alicia catches Dimitri's eye. Dimitri immediately begins seducing Alicia. Alicia is a virgin and does her best to deny Dimitri of sex. This doesn't stop Dimitri from pursue Alicia.
"Why did you want to see me again?"
"You're not like other women I've met."
"Because I'm American?"
"Because I want you more than I've ever wanted any woman, and you're the first to refuse me."
I'm a conquest. 

Dimitri is arrogant, bossy, intimidating and wealthy. He continues to seduce Alicia. On one date Dimitri gives Alicia a first edition of "Pride and Prejudice" written in Russian. Alicia is felt that Dimitri cared about her asked to go back to his place.  When they arrived at Dimitri's hotel room Dimitri's father is waiting for them.  It's not a pleasant encounter. After the encounter Alicia gives herself to Dimitri.  

Over the next week Alicia enjoys being with Dmitri and she has a new fear.

"What's wrong, myshka?"
"I'm- I'm leaving in a few days,"  I forced out tremulously. "I'm afraid I'll never see you again." I drew in a shaky breath, no longer able to contain my painfully intense feelings for him.. "I... I love you, Dimitri."
Alicia's decree began the beginning of the end of her life.  "You're mine now, Alicia. There's no going back."

At the beginning of chapter 7, the story takes a 360 from a love story to a dark and dangerous story. Alicia has been abducted and her abductor is the person she has fallen in love with, Dimitri. 

"You gave yourself to me."
"This is how it's going to be between us. You belong to me, and I ca do whatever I want with you." 
"You will like it. You were meant for this."
"For what?" 
"To be mine."

Alicia discovers that Dimitri is part of the Russian Mafia and will one day be the leader. He also sells women as slaves. Their relationship develops into a BDSM, Master/Slave relationship.  Dimitri takes care of Alicia, both physically and sexually.  Alicia's love for Dimitri soon dies as he punishes her when she doesn't obey his commands. After breaking Alicia slow he begins giving her some freedoms, although an illusion. Dimitri buys her horses and builds her a stable.  There is another twist in this story secures Dimitri's future at the leader of the Russian Mafia.

In the end, Dmitri takes over the Russian Mafia, Bratva, and secures Alicia by his side. 

This is a Five Star Dark, Dangerous and well constructed story!!  I love the Impossible Series. Julia Sykes knows how to twist your expectations.  Dimitri is a very dark character.  Julia does a great job hiding Dimitri's true intentions at the beginning of the story.  There was only glimpse of his true nature. Alica from the beginning shows herself as a true submissive/masochist, she enjoys pain with her pleasure. It was exactly what Dimitri was looking for. The stable scene secured who is really in charge, there will always be limitations on Alicia's freedoms. Alicia loves her Master because he's benevolent and caring.  In the end Dimitri sums it up best "A careful balance of brutality and fineness would make them obedient to my will. Alicia had taught me that.It was a lesson I would never forget."
Follow me on Twitter: ReadKeepMeSane

4 Stars
Fractured (Lucian&Lia Book 2) by Sydney Landon
Fractured - Sydney Landon

Desire brought them together; tragedy may tear them apart...

Lucian and Lia attempt to deal with the aftermath of the violent attack on her by her stepfather. As events unfold in their lives, Lia finds that she can no longer be patient with the man that she loves, because his secrets are tearing them apart.

Lucian cannot deny the fact that he's fallen in love with the brave and beautiful woman who has lived a life of horror. He wants nothing more than to protect her, but soon realizes that he may be the person who will hurt her the most.

To be together, they'll have to fight demons from their pasts that threaten to tear them apart.




"Fractured" picked up where "Pierced" left off.  Lia awakes in the hospital after being viciously attacked by her step-father. Lucian is by her side and will not leave her. Lucian reveals his true feelings..

"Oh, Lia, I'm not going anywhere. The only way I'll leave this hospital is if you're with me. You're mine, I'll never let anyone hurt you again."

After leaving the hospital Luc continues to stay with Lia at "their' apartment. Lia hides her true feelings, she feels dirty after what had happened to her, until she finally breaks down while taking a shower. Luc finds her scrubbing her skin away. "I didn't mean to do it, Luc. Since...I haven't been able to wash it all away. I keep trying, but still feel his hands on me." After this incident Lia takes baby step forward to start living her life again.

There are still many secrets hidden and threaten Luc and Lia's relationship. Secrets slowly start to be revealed. Lia walks in on Luc snorting cocaine. She doesn't run away she only comforts him. During a pregnancy scare, Luc reveals more information about his relationship with Cassie.

Luc receives news that Lia's step-father, Jim Dawson, has been found murdered. When he reveals this information to Lia she falls apart. She destroys everything insight. Lia discovers the truth about her life, "He took everything from me, and I didn't even understand that until today."

Lia continues to move forward with her life.  Luc has also decided to take a step forward and by seeking help with his addiction. "It has enabled me for years to push my demons aside instead of dealing with them."

Unfortunately, the healing doesn't stop the secrets from being revealed. When Lia is informed that her college tuition has been paid in full, she discovers a big secret and feels betrayed. "We've hit a roadblock now. Your secrets are tearing us apart." We are left with another cliffhanger. What will be come of Luc and Lia's relationship? Is Cassie back? What does Cruella have to do with Cassie?

I took my time enjoying this story.  I didn't want to miss a single nuance of their relationship. Lucian is a commanding, caring, and bossy alpha.  There's still a mystery that needs to be revealed. I enjoy when an author doesn't reveal all their cards from the get go. Mysteries stir the imagination. The characters are well developed and I feel committed to their story. I can't wait for the next installment of this series. If you're not ready for cliffhangers you may want to wait till the final book is released. 

Follow me on Twitter: ReadKeepMeSane

"The realization snaps something inside me. I wrench myself from Lucian's arms and completely lose it. My anger bubbles like molten lava flowing through my veins as I begin throwing everything in my path."

4 Stars
Pierced - Sydney Landon

My name is Lucian Quinn and I own one of the most successful software companies in the world. I’m twenty-nine, rich and single. Impressive right? I’m also a favorite target for every hungry socialite looking to land the uncatchable catch. Maybe it sounds vain, but the fact that I’m a God between the sheets doesn’t hurt my stock any. What these women don’t know though is that I’m completely screwed up and damaged beyond repair by my past. The only part of me I’ll ever willingly give them is the hour it takes to make them scream…several times.
Then I saw her…
I’m Lia Adams and I’m in my last year at St. Claire’s University in North Carolina. I grew up with an abusive mother, and a twisted stepfather who was worse…so much worse. I’m so close to escaping from my past and making my dreams come true. I’ll do anything necessary to survive, even work as an escort to help pay for my college expenses. The men that I accompany to various events as an escort for Date Night are mostly harmless and just want an attractive woman on their arm for an evening. It has never gone further than that…until him…
“I want you to call into work tomorrow and quit your job. I don’t think you need to bother with notice; it’s not likely you will ever use them for a future job reference.”
I nod my head in agreement, fighting the sleep threatening to claim me when his words finally hit me. What the h***? “Wh—What did you say?” Had I imagined the whole thing?
Without looking at me, he repeats his demand. I shake my head, completely confused. “What are you talking about? Why would I quit my job? Oh, no,” I gasp in horror, “are you trying to get me fired because of tonight? It was just cold medicine!”
His eyes are glittering in the darkness. “Baby, if I wanted to have you fired, I would. I want to f*** you, but not when you’re being paid to be my date.”
Circumstances bring two people that should have never crossed paths together and in the days and weeks ahead, they grow close quickly, each seeing a kindred soul in the other. As ghosts from their past rise to haunt them, they cling to each other as their lives start to spiral out of control. Soon, they realize that they’re both damaged possibly beyond repair. Will their love be what saves or destroys them?



Lucian Quinn, is only 29, single, alpha-male and owns his own company.  Lia Adams, college student and working or Date Night to pay her bills.

Lucian needs a date for an event and his friend recommends an escort service, Date Night.  Lia is given the job to escort Lucian to his event. She's under the weather and takes NyQuil  At the event she's vocal and catches Lucian's attention.  Lucian wants more of Lia and commands her to quit her job.

"I want you to call into work tomorrow and quit your job. I don't think you need to bother with notice; it's not  likely you will ever use them for  future job reference."

Lia doesn't comply and Lucian sets up another two dates through Date Night. Luc discovers why Lia is working at Date Night and takes over her life. Lucian deposits a large sum of money into Lia's account and he e-mailed her job to let them know she quit. 

"How dare you make decisions for me! You lied to my employer and put money in my bank account. You knew I would hae never agreed to to that, Lucian! I'm not some prostitute you can pay. What's the difference between you paying Date Night to go out with me, and you paying my bills for sex?"

In order for Lia to accept Luc's money she takes a job as he housekeeper.  It will give the flexibility to attend classes and still work. 

There is a lot of drama and personal demons in this story.  Lia was abused by her step-father and it comes back to haunt her when she receive a summons to appear in court.  Lia's mother is pressing charges against her husband for abuse and Lia summoned as a witness. 

Luc has a dark past as well. He copes with his past by taking cocaine. 

"The clearing of my senses, the instant clarity, and as always, playing around the edge is the rage at my inability to leave the crutch behind. this has been my answer to dealing with a life that has, at times, resembled a horror movie."

Lia and Luc are both broken and harbor hatred from their past. The questions is can they make it work?

"I couldn't help but wonder what love between us would do to the hate that had driven us both so far. There were only two possible outcomes I could see: We would either save or destroy each other."

Luc does provide his connection with Cassie, an ex-girlfriend from high school.  It's heart breaking and it's what destroyed Luc's life.  In the end Lia is unaware that her step-father was set free and we are left with a cliff-hanger.

"Pierced" involved two damaged characters. Lia who is an abuse survivor and Luc who is barely surviving. Lia is bringing Lucian back to life. He's attempting to take on his nightmares and grief, without the help of cocaine. Lia's past catches up with her, at least now she has Lucian's support The cliff hanger hurt!  I was happy I waited to read this story because the second installment was already released, "Fractured". Yes, I started it immediately. 

4 Stars
The Pact by Kaina Halle
The Pact - Karina Halle
It all started with a pinky swear…


Linden McGregor is tall, rugged, and gunslinger handsome; a helicopter pilot with a Scottish brogue and charm to spare. He’s also one of Stephanie Robson’s best friends and has fit into that box for as long as she’s known him.
Beautiful, funny and an ambitious businesswoman (with one hell of an ass), Stephanie Robson is one of Linden McGregor’s best friends and has fit into that box for as long as he’s known her.
But some relationships can’t be boxed, can’t be classified, can’t be tamed.
Back in their mid-twenties and tired of the competitive hit-or-miss dating scene of San Francisco, Steph and Linden made a pact to marry each other if neither one of them are in a serious relationship by the time they hit thirty.
It sounds like fun and games but as the years to thirty tick past and lovers come and go out of their lives, the pact becomes larger than life.
Sex is inevitable. Friendships are tested. Hearts are on the line.
The pact is about to change everything.




Three best friends, one previous relationship and one pact that changed everything. 
Linden, James and Stephanie are best friends.  After dating failures Linden proposes a back-up plan to Stephanie.

“If neither of us are in a serious relationship by the time we are both thirty.” He says, looking so dead in the eye that I can’t help but hold my breath, “then we agree to marry each other. Agree?”
I find my voice. “Agree.”

Linden and Stephanie are attracted to each other, however because Stephanie had dated James in the past, a relationship is off limits.   

“Although I worked with Linden, I only really go to know him through James and well, once you know your boyfriend’s best friend, they stay in that box.  Even now, with years between me and James’s demise, pursuing Linden would be wrong.”

Linden continues his ‘player’ persona to avoid his feels for Stephanie. While in their twenties, they both continue to date other people, some more seriously than others.

Linden is the first one to take a chance on a relationship with Stephanie. He proposes giving up his current girlfriend for her. 

“I’d give her up for you,” I tell her, staring at her relentlessly until she’s forced to meet my eyes again, if just for a second. “I’d give up everything for you.”

It’s Stephanie’s 30th birthday and takes a chance and breaks up with her current boyfriend, Aaron.  Luckily it was an easy break-up. After a snag, Linden and Stephanie secretly get together.  They keep it a secret from James, in order not to hurt his feelings and lose his friendship.

James comes clean to Linden that he is still in love with Stephanie.  Feeling guilty, Linden breaks up with Stephanie.  James soon discovers that Linden and Stephanie had been sleeping together and ends his friendship with Linden.  I hope you’re not confused?  It’s a tangled mess.

There is a poignant moment when Stephanie goes to visit her Mother for consoling, after her break-up with Linden.

“Life leaves scars. Sometimes you don’t see them until later. Sometimes you don’t know where they’ve come from. Sometimes they fade before your eyes. But the world leaves its mark on us.”

Now that all three are no longer friends, Linden takes off to New York.  Tragedy strikes and brings them back together.  James reveals his jealous truth to both Stephanie and Linden but will be enough to bring them back together? 

“The Pact” revolves around three separate friendships that were almost destroyed by jealousy and the need for approval. What they learned is that“Maybe that’s what all friendships need to do-evolve, adapt and change. Just like life.”


4 Stars
Beautiful Oblivion (The Maddox Brothers, #1) by Jamie McGuire
Beautiful Oblivion  - Jamie McGuire

Fiercely independent Camille "Cami" Camlin gladly moved on from her childhood before it was over. She has held down a job since before she could drive, and moved into her own apartment after her freshman year of college. Now tending bar at The Red Door, Cami doesn’t have time for much else besides work and classes, until a trip to see her boyfriend is cancelled, leaving her with a first weekend off in almost a year.
Trenton Maddox was the king of Eastern State University, dating co-eds before he even graduated high school. His friends wanted to be him, and women wanted to tame him, but after a tragic accident turned his world upside down, Trenton leaves campus to come to grips with the crushing guilt.
Eighteen months later, Trenton is living at home with his widower father, and works full-time at a local tattoo parlor to help with the bills. Just when he thinks his life is returning to normal, he notices Cami sitting alone at a table at The Red.
As the baby sister of four rowdy brothers, Cami believes she’ll have no problem keeping her new friendship with Trenton Maddox strictly platonic. But when a Maddox boy falls in love, he loves forever—even if she is the only reason their already broken family could fall apart.





"Beautiful Oblivian" is the first installment in the Maddox Brothers series.  This installment takes place during the same time period as "Beautiful Disaster". This is Cami and Trenton's story.

Camille "Cami" Camlin is a part time college student who works a Red Door, a local college bar.  Trent is tattoo artist who still lives at home with his father. Cami is first approached by Trent at the bar while she's working. She didn't want anything to do with Trent because of his reputation.

"Everyone knew Trenton Maddox was bad news, but that never seemed to stop women form trying to tame him. Watching him since grade school, I promised myself that I would never be a notch on his headboard."

This was not Cami's only reason for staying away from Trent, she had a long distance relationship with T.J.  Cami and T.J. have been dating six months.  They had a wonder first three months together.  The second three months Cami rarely heard from T.J. because he was on a critical assignment. When T.J. cancels a trip for the second time on Cami, it leaves an opening for Trent to start sneaking his way into Cami's life.

Trent was previously in a car accident that changed his life.  The woman who was driving did not make it.  We later find out that she was his first serious relationship. He drops out of college and moves home with his Dad. It may also be what spurs him to go after the Cami, who he has been in love with since he was a child. 

As the story progresses Cami is now working a second job as a receptionist at the same tattoo shop where Trent works. Cami took a second job to help her brother, Coby, pay his bills, while he cleans up from steroids. Trent continually tries to seduce Cami into a relationship. He protects her from her abusive father. Defends her when her brothers attack.  Cami continues to only want friendship because she's dating T.J. but also because she's hiding a secret. She continually warns Trent about that she has a secret that will destroy their relationship.  Trent doesn't care.  

Cami is struggles to decided which of the two men she really loves.  It's a love triangle that's even more complicated then it seems once you discover the truth.  After a trip to California she's made her decision but still struggles with the secret she continues to hide.

During a Valentine's day argument we discover why it took so long for Trent to act on his feeling towards Cami. It provides a prospective of the Maddox brothers that can be easily missed if you only judge them by their actions.
"We've already lost the first woman we ever loved. The thought of going through that again scares the shit out of us."

In the end there is a college building fire that drives both Trent and Cami further together and a car accident that cements their relationship.

"I know you don't believe me, but I really have loved you since we were kids," he said quietly. "And now I get to love you 'til we're old."
My stomach fluttered. No one else had ever loved me as much as he did. "Promise?"

As for the BIG T.J. secret I really didn't see that coming. Awkward!  But it works out at the end.

The story is filled with a lot of angst and turmoil  It made it painful to put down for a second. Cami's family life was very difficult to accept.  I wanted to slap her brothers for worrying about keeping the family peace. As for T.J., he wasn't really there.  He was mostly background noise.  His only relevance was that he didn't want to let Cami go and his secret. Maybe it was good that Cami was dating T.J. at the time.  It allowed Trent and Cami's relationship to develop from a friendship. Over all I enjoyed this book. I recommend reading "Beautiful Disaster" first, it will help in following along with the line and fills in a few blanks.

"The poppies"
"They're pretty, they're significant."
"You've said that, But you haven't told me why they're significant."

3 Stars
Review: King (Impossible #7) by Julia Sykes
King - Julia Sykes

My father gave me to him as a bargaining chip, as though I was nothing more than flesh to be traded. I hate him for that, and I hate the man who took me: Javier Santiago, a member of the violent Latin Kings.

Even though I don’t want to belong to him, he is fiercely possessive of me. And when his ownership is threatened, his enemies aren’t the only ones to suffer. He says my freedom is the price for my safety. I think he just wants to keep me all for himself.








Javier Santiago is a FBI agent undercover as a member of the Latin Kings.  Charlotte Carter is a college student who is attempting to live a normal life.  She wants to escape her horrible past as the daughter of a criminal.  Unfortunately for Charlotte her past catches up to her and her father drags her back into his criminal underworld.  Charlotte's father gives her to the Latin Kings as a bargaining chip to keep her brother, Derek, inline.  

"If he doesn't want his sister to suffer, he'll do whatever you want," Jonas spoke before Derek could respond. "That's why she's part of the deal. You get her and a new territory. I'll give you my family in exchange for being welcomed into yours."

The deal is accepted and it's Javier who takes ownership of Charlotte.  Charlotte is not aware that Javier is a FBI agent.  She struggles with being captive in Javier's apartment. Javier does offer Charlotte an opportunity to freedom that would also guarantee her safety. Charlotte accepts Javier's offer.  

Charlotte struggles with her new situation.  All she wanted was to be normal. She maintained a certain weight, she kept up her appearance and was obsessed with joining a sorority. Charlotte develops feelings for Javier and begins re-evaluating her perspective on life. 

"I'm not supposed to be with someone like him.  I'm supposed to join the best sorority at Hudson and end up with some clean-cut frat boy with a Business major." As I said it out loud, I realized how shallow and ugly that reasoning was."
Charlotte had been promised that in a few months she no longer have to stay with Javier.  As time went on Charlotte fell in love with Javier and did not want to end their relationship.  She became dependent on Javier. It all crumbles when a fellow FBI agents, Vaughn, comes to visit Javier and Charlotte. He brings news about Charlotte's father and a raid.  The agent also wants to bring Charlotte back to her brother.  Charlotte doesn't want to leave and declares her love for Javier. After the agent leaves Javier is left to admit to the truth. 

"I've corrupted you with my perversions. I stole you away from your life and molded you into what I wanted."

Javier begins backing out of the relationship and Charlotte doesn't want to let him go. In order to get Javier out of his assignment Charlotte contacts Vaughn and with the help of Clara Peterson, a police officer and Dominatrix, a plan is Formed. Unfortunately the plan goes bad.  Charlotte and Clara are in danger and it's up-to Javier to come to the rescue.

Although this can be read as a stand alone, I don't recommend it.  There would be to many wholes in the story.  The story spends a lot of time with Charlotte in Javier's apartment. At first I was annoyed with Charlotte's being self-centered. As the story develops you begin to understand why she was working so hard to be accepted.  She needed a sense family because she came from a abusive home.  Javier also needed a family, after losing his in a messy divorce. Javier gave Charlotte a family. This is not my favorite in the series. I had difficulty accepting Charlotte. She seemed to willing to bend to whomever to find a family, a home.  

2.5 Stars
Angel (Lucifer's Legion MC #3) by Kelli Maine
Angel: Lucifer's Legion Motorcycle Club #3 - Kelli Maine

On the run, Luc gets word from LLMC that the cartel has agreed to return Angel to them instead of killing her, but they need a replacement.

If Luc hands over Lilith, trained and ready to be delivered to the cartel, the club will forgive him his betrayal and welcome him back into the fold.

Luc must decide where his loyalty lies—with the club that saved his life and Angel who almost broke his resolve to never keep anyone for himself, or with Lilith, the crazy bitch who got inside his head and knows him better than anyone ever has.




Angel is the continuation of the Lucifer's Legion MC series. Luc brings Amber, and her alter-personality Lilith, to an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Luc has plans for Amber/Lilith to become a trainer.  Luc begins breaking Lilith however his plans change when he receives a phone call from Butch. Butch informs Luc that the cartel will be returning Angel in exchange for Lilith.   

In this third installment further information of what had happened to Amber and how Lilith was created is revealed. It's dark and unforgiving. Luc struggles slightly with his decision to give up Lilith. He has an opportunity, with Lilith's help, to go into business for himself. If he did, he would leave his club, be on the run and wouldn't have Angel.  In the end we find out his decision. There is also a shocking turn of events.  I was stunned! To say this series is dark is an understatement.  It's Dark, Dangerous and unforgiving!

"Know how long I waited for the devil to up? she says giggling. "and now here you are." Angel by Kelli Maine